What’s Happening @ Crossroads 9/1/24

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Join us on Sunday, September 1

9:00 & 10:30 am

Use Anger to Get What You Want

James 1:19-21

Anger is the most common expression of our contention with God for supremacy.  In other words, we use anger to try and get what we want.  Anger is rooted in pride and it kills relationships.  It is one thing when you are angry with some thing; it is another matter when you are angry with some one.  Anger is not effective in producing actions and attitudes that are pleasing to God.  Anger doesn’t usually exist alone. Anger expresses itself in actions that are typically sinful.  


Save the Date:  Outdoor Baptism/Potluck Sunday:  Join us for food, fellowship, and baptism celebrations.  Everyone is invited to join us for an outdoor baptism between services on Sunday, September 1. There will be a potluck luncheon right after the 2nd service. If you are interested in being baptized, please contact the church office at [email protected].  Please click here to register for the potluck.


Meals Needed: Our Crossroads family also extends hospitality by preparing, ordering, and delivering meals.  It really helps to have a meal delivered when families adjust to a new routine with a newborn, grieving the loss of a family member, or during a long illness or hospital stay. Sometimes a meal and a visit is just what someone needs.  If you want to join this team, please email the church office at [email protected].  We need people to make meals and deliver meals, as well as people who are willing to order and send meals via DoorDash.  Thank you so much for caring for our family in such a tangible and generous way.

NO MO MO Debt Reduction Update:  We are filled with gratitude for the incredible generosity of our congregation and God’s faithfulness! Thanks to your continued support and prayers, we have received over $256,000 in donations, reducing our mortgage balance to $177,000. With the NoMoMo campaign ending in November, we are closer than ever to reaching our goal. Thank you for your unwavering faith, prayers, and commitment.