Missionary Update — Brent Dodd Family

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Greetings in the name of Jesus, from Mexico. I trust 2024 is going well for you. We are one day closer to His return; what a day that will be! The ministry here in Mexico has been very busy. The Lord continues to give safety in the air and on the ground. Thank-you for praying for our safety.

New Carbon Cub FX3:

The new aircraft now has 100 plus hours of flight time on it, and it is serving the needs of Hospital Misión Tarahumara well. David Hardin and I have completed its first 100 hour/condition inspection. We did a compression check on all four cylinders, and they were all 78/80. A perfect cylinder is 80/80. David and I are very pleased, as this is an indication that the rings have seated well and we have cylinders that are producing good power. I can now fly 100 more flight hours before another inspection is due.


New Windsock Installation:

To my surprise, I received an e-mail informing me that a missionary kid that I used to fly to and from boarding school, in Papua New Guinea, would be paying me a visit. He is an aviation student at Prairie Bible Institute in Canada. He and a classmate of his wanted to come and see firsthand what UIM Aviation is doing in Mexico. They are in the process of looking to the Lord as to where to serve on the mission field through aviation. While they were here, they assisted in the installation of a new windsock pole, rim, and windsock at a new airstrip that was lacking a windsock. It was a pleasure to spend some time with Dan Goud, who is now a grown man with a wife and three children. Please pray for Dan and Conner as they decide where to serve the Lord.


Hospital Misión Tarahumara Mobile Medical Clinics: Haley is a volunteer nurse, from Texas, who serves with the mission hospital. The lady standing to the right of Haley is Chole. She is a Tarahumara lady that knows Spanish and is an interpreter for Haley. These are some of the Tarahumara children who received treatment in a very remote area, about a three hour drive from the hospital. It is a 10 minute flight in the Carbon Cub FX3. I was able to fly them to this remote location first thing in the morning, and in the late afternoon the Lord gave calm winds, so I was able to pick them up and fly them back to the hospital. Praise the Lord, the airplane saved them about 6 hours of driving. They were able to tend to many patients, and were able to be back home in the same day.


Christmas in February: Samaritan’s Purse/Operation Christmas Child sent Hospital Mission Tarahumara a number of Christmas boxes to distribute. I was able to fly the Christmas boxes to a remote location, and through the hospital chaplain and Pastor Jacob, the Christmas boxes were handed out to many needy children. The gospel was presented before the boxes where handed out. It was interesting to observe the reaction of the children. Some were very touched that someone in the US, who they didn’t know, would send them a gift. We all know that Jesus is the greatest gift that was given to this world. May God use this event to draw these young children, who are so impressionable, to Jesus. Since the distribution of the Christmas boxes, the hospital chaplain has done training with the church leaders and they are now using Sunday school material to continue to teach the children who received the Christmas boxes.


UIM Aviation Pilot/Mechanic Meetings: God continues to build the UIM Aviation team. Every January all the pilots and mechanics get together in El Paso for three and a half days of meeting. It is a time for spiritual encouragement and also a time to discuss aviation business. God continues to provide for aircraft upgrades, and we have a new family that has just joined the team. Please continue to pray that God will keep the door open for UIM Aviation to provide flight service for missionaries and dental and medical teams in Mexico. May our lives and what we do count for eternity.


We are grateful for you. Thanks for being on our team. Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday, reflecting on the blessedness of being His.

Looking for His return,

Brent, Hollie Mae and Brielle Dodd