
Jon Sorenson is a Tech Enthusiast and loves spreading the word of God through discipleship of the gifts God gave him. He believes that using Technology can increase the impact of God’s word through faster, more impactful, and concise communication. Jon grew up attending Crossroads Community Church for as long as he can remember and wants to give back to the church that guide(d/s) him through his faith. His goal is to empower the Pastors, Worship Team, Tech Team, Directors, and believers in Christ to better utilize technology to help spread God’s word. Jon has a bachelor’s degree in computer information technology with a concentration in cybersecurity and a Minor in Human Resources. He is currently engaged to Stephanie Pickard and is excited to marry her in 2024. Jon also works in IT at Centier Bank assisting his associates with any issues that may arise. He also regularly volunteers in Brickhouse and loves to share his beliefs with the next generation.