Back-to-School Supply Drive

Operation Christmas Child

Angel Tree
...through financial support for Christian education

Highland Christian School


Pacific Garden Mission

Annual Food Drive

Food Bank of Northwest Indiana

Hopkins Park

Crossroads Firewood Charity

Sheltered 91

Noah and Katie Butterfield

Lane Lareau

Brent and Holly Dodd

Rev. Tshililo Liphadzi

ReFrame Ministries

Resonate Global Mission

RaiseUp Global Ministries

Burmese Ministry Fund
Lane Lareau (Clarkston, GA)
Lane Lareau serves with the Navigators in poverty alleviation, helping leaders in Clarkston, Georgia, own the process of coming up with solutions to the factors impacting their community’s well-being. Lane's team believes that poverty is ultimately tied to broken relationships, so the solutions they help leaders discover are holistic: spiritual, physical, social, and psychological. They accomplish this by 1) mentoring local leaders in community disciple-making, 2) collaborating with established local groups like religious and nonprofit organizations, and 3) training and releasing other practitioners to do the same in their US or global context. Lane is married to Kim, and they have two children, Asher and Alyson. He enjoys jogs on Atlanta paths, Legos with his children, and Christopher Nolan films.
click here for further updates!Brent & Hollie Dodd (Mexico)
Greetings from the Sierra Madre mountains of Mexico. The rainy part of the year has ended, and cooler temperatures have arrived. God continues to work and show Himself faithful. I trust your heart is encouraged in the Lord, as you keep your eyes on Him. He is trustworthy, our rock and fortress during these times of uncertainty.
Read More...Rev. Tshililo Liphadzi (South Africa)
I am pastor in the Reformed Church in South Africa Synod Soutpansberg. I am serving a congregation called Reformed Church Midrand between Pretoria and Johannesburg. This congregation has been mandated by our classis Gauteng to plant five churches by 2023. We now have five fellowship centers in the area with the intention to grow them into local churches. I have a few prayer requests: Perseverance in building our seminary without which we cannot sustain the church planting work all over the country; Reaching our goal to plant five churches by 2023; Monthly trips to the Seminary: safety, health; and finally Leadership that I am working with.
Latest Update
Noah and Katie (Ericks) Butterfield (Florida)
Noah and Katie are working with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) in Orlando to train up the next generation of missionaries as they get sent out to the nations. Generation Z could become the greatest movement of missionaries the world has ever seen. We work to see that vision become a reality by training and equipping young adults to have the theological and practical training they will need for short-term mission trips and lifelong ministry overseas.